Weather Maps

Living as I do here in the northern plains, bird migrants from tropical areas don't show up until May, late April if conditions are good. There will be plenty of migrants moving through the Eastern side of the state in the next few weeks, mostly geese, ducks, and birds like robins but they won't be warblers and orioles. Here on the western most edge of the central flyway, we will have robins and a few geese this month.

Weather plays a significant role in migration. I found this Weather Map Primer resource from Journey North. Since it touches upon some of my favorite explorer topics- birds, maps, weather-I was excited to see it. I really like how the weather map reading is applied to birding.

I am facilitating a monthly online professional development opportunity and March's topic is migrations. This resource will make it into the lesson.

Also on that Weather Map Primer page I found a link to current global wind conditions which is not only interesting but visually stunning as well.

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